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News, Articles, and Upcoming Books and Events from Cynthia Hamilton
The Story Behind the Story: S.S. Bazinet “Dying Takes It
When I started reading “Dying Takes It Out of You” by S.S. Bazinet, I was immediately mesmerized by Dory, the hard as flint protagonist fighting for his life. The opening scene runs at a gallop and we’re right there witnessing it as Dory struggles to break free. Even though there’s such urgency in the opening…
The Story Behind the Story: C.A. Asbrey
Learning about the past while indulging in my favorite pastime—reading—doubles my pleasure. Good historical novels have now become a predominant presence on my Kindle. “The Innocents”, the first book in a new detective-mystery series by author C.A. Asbrey is a superb example of getting first-rate entertainment while getting an accurate glimpse of life in the…
The Story Behind the Story: Beatrice Colin “To Capture What
The Eifel Tower has been a sensation since it’s construction in 1889. It has gone on to become the most well-known and most recognized landmark in the world. From our current evolved state, it’s hard to imagine what an incredible feat it was to construct such a monument. It was an absolute act of daring…
The Story Behind the Story: Vicki Tapia “Maggie: A Journey
Maggie: A Journey of Love, Loss and Survival by Vicki Tapia is one of those books that rings true right from the start. From the first page, I was transported back in time by descriptive writing of a period so different to the world we live in now. Each scene conjured up perfect images of what…
The Story Behind the Story: Dominic Piper “Femme Fatale”
Daniel Beckett is an appreciator of women, and not just in a carnal sense, but in every aspect. Whereas the women in “Femme Fatale” are mostly coveted for their physical attributes, Mr. Beckett’s interest in them is genuine and all-encompassing. It may rightfully be said that he’s never met a woman he didn’t find something…
The Story Behind the Story: Cynthia A. Graham “Beulah’s House
A setting can play a dramatic role in story writing, as if it is a character unto itself. Shaking its fist in the background of “Beulah’s House of Prayer” like malevolent spirit is a bleak spot of history that resulted from a financial collapse and the destruction of the land. But the story Cynthia A.…
The Story Behind the Story: Justin Dipego “Seven O’Clock Man
The most vital part of any story is the authenticity of the author’s voice. Is it believable? Do we trust the message he or she is trying to convey? Does the language put us in the moment, allowing us to see what is unfolding, feel what the characters are experiencing? While reading the debut novel…
The Story Behind the Story: Golden State
The idea for Golden State came to me quite out of the blue while taking a walk with friends on New Year’s Eve 2007. It had been a year since I’d received the correct diagnosis for what had been torturing me from within for nine years. Reflecting back on a time that is happily in…
The Story Behind the Story: Marianne Sciucco “Blue Hydrangeas”
I had read a few books dealing with Alzheimer’s before I started “Blue Hydrangeas” by Marianne Sciucco. The difference was they were true-life accounts of dealing with the disease, though Marianne’s tale is every bit as believable and moving. It’s a story that allows us readers to witness the heartbreak of the diagnosis along with…