Golden State

Roxanne Platt knows she’s not perfect. But she also knows there’s got to be more to life than scanning groceries. As she scours the Classifieds, she is struck by the lack of opportunities, contrasted by the almost endless real estate ads. Recalling an agent in her checkout line–short on sense and long on enthusiasm–Roxanne wonders why she couldn’t enjoy the same success as Lois Bronsen–top 2% in the county.

After first dismissing the notion as absurd, Roxanne boldly takes the plunge into the character-ridden world of real estate. What she discovers as she wades into shark-infested waters is a talent for negotiating and problem-solving, and an inner strength she didn’t know she possessed–not to mention a pool of eligible bachelors.

Armed with an acerbic wit, her best friend Andrea’s unwavering support, and the willpower to make a better life for herself and her son, Roxanne forges ahead. The unintended consequences of romantic encounters thrill Andrea to no end, but keep Roxanne’s head spinning.

Can she fall in love, keep her dignity and still become successful? Enjoy the fun while she finds out!

“Yay for Roxanne!”
“Inspiring and witty”
“Surprisingly good story”
Golden State Front Cover


“Roxanne had me cheering her on from the first page! For me, that’s what counts; I need to be able to relate to and care about the protagonist. You quickly see she is not what she appears to be, your average girl, stuck in a dead end job. She has an edge and a wit that has kept her spirit intact throughout her challenges as a single mom (something I personally can relate to). She digs deep to find her strengths and ingenuity to recreate herself and make a better life for herself and her son. The journey is not an easy one. However, she manages to keep her humor with the help of her best friend Andrea as she ventures into unchartered territory and the cutthroat world of selling real estate. I really love this book. It will not disappoint!” ★★★★★

“I really enjoyed reading Golden State! The premise was light but intriguing – a thirty-something single mom who’s desperate to stop checking groceries for a living. But the story was about so much more than just finding a better job – it was about personal transformation, against all odds – and all odd balls! The writing sweeps you straight into action, and there’s never a dull moment as Roxanne battles egomaniacal bosses, her quirky family and questionable cohorts. The dialog is spirited and the situations Roxanne gets herself into are hilarious. But underneath it all is the message that we’re capable of more than we realize. Roxanne is a modern-day heroine, and Golden State is an anthem for really living as opposed to just surviving. This is a very good read!” ★★★★★